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Counter.CO.KZ - бесплатный счетчик посещений web-страниц на любой вкус


FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to them.

 Q: I met some difficulties (or having additional questions) during the set-up of your web-counter...

Read the questions and answers in this section of the site and in our Guestbook. Can be Your question or problem already were already discussed. Once again study the set-up manual and make sure that all have done it is correct. Also You can use the html-code constructor in order to create the necessary code of displaying web-counter on your web-page.

If all of above will not help you to get the counter on your page - leave the message in our Guestbook for site's administrator.

 Q: What is a web-counter?
 Q: Unfortunately, after the counter's set up it didn't start displaying, although the link to the is present. What could have I done wrong?
 Q: Why didn't the number of the attendance increase after I had re-opened the web-page with the CO.KZ web-counter?


Web Counter.Co.Kz

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Pavlodar, Kazakhstan